Friday, April 3, 2009

Al manicomio con la Meyer de Twilight

Stephanie Meyer ought to be sued to hell and back for the pathetic, mindless, cliched, puerile SHIT that she had the nerve to put into print. If she honestly believes that it's worth reading, she deserves to be checked into a mental institution; and if she doesn't, but knew she could make money off it and proceeded to publish the book anyways, then my vast hatred of her has just grown to infinite proportions.

Her writing makes me want to stab my eyes out with a dull pencil - there are SEVEN YEAR OLDS who can write more intelligently.

Don't get me started on Bella's Mary Sue-ness. I may have to strangle something.

And then, of course, there's Edward. Ah, Edward - you sparkly, angst-ridden, spineless stalker of a vampire. I am so glad that according to the REAL laws of science you and Bella can never reproduce. Get your cliched little toes away from the gene pool, kiddies, or I will hurt you.

The characters drive me mad because of their pandering to the masses of brainless would-be Mary Sues out there. Meyer drives me mad because of her ability to make money off of the worthless, putrid dribble she dares to call a story (note: by its definition, a story has to have a plot to read, therefore, Twilight does not qualify. "Worthless crap" would be more accurate).

Who the hell was her editor, anyways? What was he or she on when they agreed to print this? A sensible person would have called the police and had her locked up, because reading Twilight damages brain cells and is therefore hazardous to the world at large.

Stephanie Meyer, one day karma is going to come around and sucker punch you in the face as payback for the atrocious crimes you have committed against intelligent life forms and worthwhile literature everywhere. I hope I'm standing next to you with a camera when that happens, because it will be a moment for me to cherish for the rest of my days.

All of the above points are only a few of the many reasons I have for hating Twilight. There is NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING worthwhile about it as a novel. The only thing the book itself is good for is use as kindling.


Ileana said...

Pues si!!!! El mary sue de la Meyer con Bella es asqueroso!
y si es cierto escribe como de 7 !!!!!
De hecho mi hermana lo leyo en espanol y dejame decirte que la traductora o el traductor ayudo muuuucho
o sea!! el vocabulario de la meyer es un asco!Y me harto el enamoramiento barato!

Un Cowboy Actual said...

Concuerdo con Ileana, habiendolo leido en español debo decir que no esta tan mal escrito (gramaticalmente, me refiero), pero por lo que veo es por ayuda del traductor...

Sobre el libro, la verdad que es increible como lleno tantas hojas sin poner un conflicto... desde que me enseñaron a escribir que conozco eso de "principio, nudo y descenlace"... parece que nadie le aviso a esta muchacha :P

Y si sufrieron con el primero... en un ataque de masoquismo pueden leer el segundo! el doble de contenido de dolor de Bella!!! :D

Nats, nuevamente, una maravilla el post... aunque me dolio que este en ingles :'( y yo que te deje tu primer comentario....... :P